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Classes and Workshops
Parenting and Child Development
Active Parenting of Teens
Learn effective communication, guidance, and discipline skills
for parenting your teenager. Topics include courage and self
esteem, teen behavior, problem solving, family
communication, responsibility and discipline. Drugs, sexuality
and violence are addressed as well. Marion County Juvenile
Department Counselors will facilitate this eight-week Thursday
evening’s class for adults. Call 503-566-2925 for the dates of
our next class, more information, or to sign up. Class is free
and includes the book.
Effective Parenting
This class uses the “Love and Logic” process to develop
positive approaches to communicating and guiding children.
Topics include sharing control with children, helping guide
children to solve their own problems, and how to use
consequences effectively. Thursdays, April 6- May 11 at
Judson Middle School or May 18-June at Chemeketa College,
6:30 – 9 PM. For information call 503-399-6562. Fee: $75
includes book.
Families Talking about Changes
A dynamic two-session workshop for parents and their pre-
teen daughters, girls in fourth through sixth grade (ages 9-12).
Offers a safe environment in which to discuss the changes
coming with puberty and sets in place a foundation for
communicating about sensitive subjects. Two Tuesdays, April
25 and May 2, 6-8:30 PM. Robert Frost School, 201 Westfield
Street, Silverton. For more information call Silverton Together
at 503-873-0405. Fee: $5
Guiding a Child’s Development
Parents and care providers learn how to guide and support
children’s healthy brain development. Find out about the
relationship between children’s movements and activities.
Neurodevelopmental Training Center. For more information
and registration call 503-981-0635.
Parents/Infants Plus (PIP)
A parent education and peer support network offered to all
new families during the critical first year of an infant’s life.
Topics include health and safety, stress management,
nutrition, child development, infant massage, and much more.
Babies attend class with parents. Ten sessions, meeting every
other Thursday, Silverton Hospital Birth Center, 6:30 – 8:30
PM. New groups begin every 10 weeks. Next groups start April
13 & June 29. For more information or registration call
Silverton Together at 503-873-0405. Fee: $25, scholarship
Parent/Toddler Program
A series of ten weekly classes for parents of children age 18
months to 3 years, an age when concerns about setting limits,
discipline and tantrums can fog the clearest mind. Includes
supervised children’s activities in a nearby room. Offered twice
a year. Next course begins Tuesday, April 18, 6:30-8:30 PM at
the Silverton United Methodist Church, 203 W. Main St. For
more information or to register call Silverton Together at 503-
873-0405. Fee: $30, scholarships available.
Parenting with Love and Logic
A fun and informative course for all parents, especially of
children age 3 – 13, who want practical techniques for less
stressful, more effective parenting and more ease in family life.
Seven Thursdays, April 13 – May 25, 6:30-8:30 PM at the
Silverton United Methodist Church, 203 W. Main. For more
information or to register call Silverton Together at 503-873-
0405. Fee: $20/person or $25/couple. Free child care
Birth and Birth Preparation
A Baby’s Breast Friend Lactation Counseling
Breastfeeding support including appointments with certified
lactation counselor for assistance with breastfeeding questions
or problem, prenatal education, rental and sales of
breastfeeding equipment, pumps, and nursing bras. Lending
library of parenting and breastfeeding books. For more
information and appointments call Esther at 503-463-1733.
Sliding fee scale.
Baby Care and Feeding
Learn all about newborns, what they look like, their behavior,
breast and bottle-feeding, sleep and awake states,
temperature taking, child safety seats and more. This class is
also for parents adopting a baby and grandparents who
haven’t been around a baby for a while. This information is
also covered in the Expecting Parents Series classes at the
Salem Hospital. For more information call Salem Hospital’s
Family Education Department at 503-561-5639. Next class is
Monday, May 1, 2006, 6:30 – 9 PM, $15 per person/ $20 per
B.A.B.I.E.S. Clinic
Babies and Breastfeeding Information, Education & Support, is
an outpatient program designed to help new parents and their
infants. Specially trained RNs offer one-on-one breastfeeding
support by appointment. Prenatal classes also are available for
a fee. For more information on these and other Family Birth
Center classes, such as Baby Basics and our Big Brother/Big
Sister class call Janet Sheldon, Silverton Hospital at 503-873-
1668. For Tuckwila Center, Woodburn call Mary Kay at 503-
982-4882 to make an appointment.
Baby Maybe?
Pondering parenthood? Bring your support person and come
to this free presentation. Guest speakers include obstetricians,
certified nurse midwives, family medicine doctors and
pediatricians who will present the latest information about
getting pregnant and getting prepared for parenting a child.
Tour of the Family Birth Center included. Monday, July 31,
2006, 7- 8:30PM, Salem Hospital, Family Birth Center
Conference Rooms. For more information call 503-561-5639.
Beautiful Bellies
Water exercise class invigorating, low impact class for healthy
expectant moms. Participants will learn stretching and
strengthening moves to reduce low back pain and facilitate an
easier birth. Instructors: Tanie Hotan, M.D., Lisa Moore, Aqua

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Aerobics instructor. For more information and registration call
Stayton Pool at 503-769-7665. Fridays, 9 – 10 AM. Cost: $3
per class for Stayton residents/ $3.90 for non residents.
Waiver: Medical waiver must be signed by participants OB
provider prior to the first class.
Big Brother/Big Sister Class
This special class is for children age three to six years old to
help prepare them for their new role as a big brother or sister.
342 Fairview Street, Silverton. Pre-register by calling 503-873-
1668. 4
Saturday each month, 10:30 AM – 12 PM. $10.
Cesarean Birth Class
Learn what’s involved when a cesarean section birth is
planned or possible. Support person’s role discussed as well
as what to expect for your recovery and resuming activities.
This information is covered in the Childbirth Preparation
Classes. Tour of the Family Birth Center offered at 7 PM. Meet
in the FBC 1
. floor lobby. 2
. Monday of each month, 8 – 9
PM. For more information call 503-561-5639. Free
Childbirth Preparation Class
This five week series prepares you and your partner for the
exiting delivery of your new child. Breathing techniques,
health, delivery expectations and breastfeeding are just a few
of the topics covered. March, May & July sessions, Mondays
for 5 weeks, 7 – 9 PM, Freres Auditorium, Santiam Memorial
Hospital, Stayton. For more information call 503-769-9274.
Cost: $25
Childbirth Refresher Class for Parents
This birth rehearsal class is for those who have previously
attended a childbirth preparation series and want to refresh
their knowledge. Relaxation and coping skills, comfort
measures and other pain relief options will be reviewed. Tour
of Family Birth Center included. Wear comfortable clothes and
bring pillows and a blanket. 4
Monday of each month, Salem
Hospital, 6 -9 PM. For registration call 503-561-5639. $20 per
Childbirth Classes in Spanish – Madre y Bebe
Four-session childbirth class taught by a Silverton Hospital
Family Center RN in Spanish. No cost for those who qualify for
WIC. Tuckwila Center, Woodburn; 4 Sundays: April 2, 9, 22 &
30 or June 4, 11, 18 & 28, 3 – 4 PM. For more information call
Mary at 503-910-1045.
Expectant Parent Birth Preparation Series
These interactive classes prepare the expectant mother and
her support person for the birth experience. Classes are taught
by registered nurses who are experienced childbirth educators.
Call Salem Hospital’s Family Education at 503-561-5539 for
brochure and registration information. Tuesdays (6 weeks), 7–
9 PM; Wednesday Express (4 weeks) 6:30 – 9 PM, Thursdays
(6 weeks) 7 – 9 PM, Weekend Express (Friday 6:30 – 9 PM,
Sat. 8:30 – 4 PM). Scholarships available for moms on OHP
and/or WIC. Call 503-562-5160 for more information, can
register at
Expectant Parent Birth Preparation Series – Spanish
Call 503-561-1650 for more information in Spanish, or
503-562-5160 for information in English about these classes.
Family Birth Center Tours
A general overview of our facility including the B.A.B.I.E.S
Clinic, retail store, labor rooms, nursery and the family waiting
room is given by a RN who can answer any questions. Meets
in the Family Birth Center lobby. Refreshments served. 342
Fairview St., Silverton. For information call 503-873-1680.
Every Sunday, 3 PM. Free.
Boot Camp for Dad-to-Be
A two-hour workshop run by newly experienced fathers who
bring in their own infants to help orient dad-to-be on the
realities of parenthood. Includes hands-on experience with
diaper changing, burping and swaddling as well as frank
discussion about lifestyle and relationship changes on the
horizon, how to bond with your baby, work in a parenting team
with mom, etc. (Mom’s-to-be are treated to a free pedicure and
massage in a nearby room.) Held apx. every 8 weeks at
Silverton Hospital Family Birth Center, 6:30-8:30 PM. Next
dates: April 5, May 17. For more information or to register call
Silverton Together at 503-873-0405. Fee: $10, scholarship
Salem Hospital’s Family Birth Center Tours
Plan about 40 minutes to tour Salem Hospital’s new Family
Birth Center. Tours start in the 1
floor lobby. Evening tours
are held each month: Second Mon., 6 and 7 PM; third
Thursday, 6 & 7 PM. Daytime tours are every Wednesday at
noon and the first Saturday of each month, 10 & 11 AM & third
Sunday at 1PM. For more information call 503-561-5639. No
registration required. Free.
Are you in your second trimester of pregnancy? If so, bring
your support person and come to this free information night in
the Family Birth Center. Ask the experts about the important
choices you meet staff and take a tour of the Family Birth
Center. Guest speakers include lactation specialists, nurse,
pediatricians, family medicine physicians and more.
Bring dad or your support person. Monday, April 3, 2006,
7 – 8:30 PM. Free. Call Salem Hospital’s Family Education to
register 503-561-5639.
Siblings at Birth
This class prepares children to be present at the birth of your
baby. We recommend that children have their own support
person (the support person/s should also attend class). Held
the second Tuesday of each month, 3:30-4:30 PM at Salem
Hospital. Please note on registration form the ages of children
who will attend. For registration call 503-561-5639. $10 per
Siblings Preparation Class
Learn how to create an experience of personal growth for both
siblings and parents. Help give your child a sense of security
and importance before and after delivery. Alleviate anxieties
regarding a new baby and mother’s impending hospitalization.
Discover parental strategies for coping with an additional child
in the family. Children will have fun making their “big brother”
or “big sister” t-shirt. Santiam Memorial Hospital, 1401 N. 10
Ave., Stayton. For more information call 503-769-9274.
The First 20 Weeks of Pregnancy
This class is appropriate for first-time parents who have never
had birthing; this class will discuss fetal development and
emotional changes of pregnancy in the first 20 weeks.
Nutritional need and exercise will also be discussed. 342
Fairview, Silverton Hospital. To register call 503-873-1668.
First Thursday of each even month, 6:30 – 8:30 PM. $10.

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Training Camp for Dads
Come learn from experienced dads who will be bringing their
own infants to demonstrate burping, swaddling, and share
ideas about comforting fussy babies. Other lifestyle and
relationship issues for new fathers will be explored, including
discussions on how to bond with your baby, work in a
parenting team with the new mom, and ensure a safe
environment for the whole family. Saturday, May 13, 9 – 11:30
AM or Mondays. April 10 or June 12, 6:30 – 9 PM. Salem
Hospital, Family Birth Center. For more information or to
register call 503-561-5639. $20, scholarship available.
New! This class is also available in Spanish on 4
. Sundays of
each month –April 23, May 28 or June 25 from 10 AM – 12:30
Classes for Youth and Children
Babysitter’s Training
This course has colorful handbooks and a video starring young
adults that is fun for students to watch. This course is targeted
to 11-15 year-olds, teaching them basic child-care skills, first
aid and safety issues, age appropriate behavior and play, and
injury prevention. All skills must be demonstrated but there is
no written test. Students receive a Babysitter’s Training
certificate upon completion. For more information call 503-585-
5414. Fee: $35 per person/ $43 with Babysitter’s First Aid Kit.
Silverton Hospital, Sat. April 29, 9 AM – 3:30 PM.
Tuckwila Center, Woodburn, Sat. March 25, 9 AM-3:30 PM or
Sat. May 20, 9 AM-3:30 PM.
Committed to Kids
A 12-week pediatric weight-management program for children
ages 7 to 18 years old and their parents. This program is
taught by a registered dietitian, exercise specialist and child
psychologist and is designed specifically for overweight and
obese children. The classes include a moderate-intensity
progressive exercise program, nutrition classes, individualized
meal plan and behavioral sessions that provide an
individualized approach to childhood weight problems in a
group setting. Salem Hospital, for more information call
Family Life-skill Development
These classes are based on the principle that parents and
children must act together to change their relationship. This
information is designed to empower parents and teens and
provide each with new skills to cope with difficult times. For
ages 8 to 18 years. All sessions include a follow-up class one
month after the last class and ongoing consultation. Northwest
Human Services, 681 Church St. NE. For more information
and new times call Jean Lasater at 503-588-5825. $35 per
family. Scholarships available.
First Aid for Children Today
This highly interactive class, geared for 5 – 8-year olds,
teaches basic first aid skills, healthy lifestyle and injury-
prevention awareness. Participants receive a fun workbook
and certificate of completion. For more information call 503-
585-5414. Fee: $10 per person
Parent and Child Series
The Incredible Years Parenting Program, using play, praise,
rewards, limit setting and problem solving to help your child
succeed. Social Skill Classes for Children: Dinosaur School;
children participate with Wally and Dino puppets to learn about
getting along with others, managing anger, and expressing
feelings. Social Skills for children with Asperger’s Syndrome or
Autism: This social skills class assists children with
understanding their feelings, making friends, and anger
management. For more information call the Easter Seals
Children’s Guild at 503-370-8990.
Rollercoasters: Workshop for Children of Divorce
A program for all 1
– 6
grade children whose parents are
divorced or separated. Designed to use fun games and
activities to give children tools to make the transition of divorce
and separation less difficult. It provides a safe and non-
threatening environment that allows children to learn more
about divorce and separation.
“I loved the teachers.” “I liked all the friends I met there.” “The
teachers helped me learn about how to handle divorce better.”
An eight-week class, one-hour session per week. To register
contact the YWCA of Salem at 503-581-9922. Offered Spring
and Fall. $29 per child for the entire 8-week session. Need-
based scholarships available.
When I’m in Charge
This course is targeted to 8-11 years-olds. It teaches children
to make smart and safe decisions when they are home alone.
This course focuses on a variety of situations from phone calls
to peer pressure, and it includes take-home activities for
children and their parents to complete. Salem Hospital, for
more information call 503-585-5414. Fee: $15 per person
Adult and Family
ABC’s of Homebuying: A Step-By-Step Seminar This
course teaches participants how to prepare for homebuying,
ask the right questions, evaluate a credit report, compare loan
products, shop for a home, and maintain the investment.
Completion of the course satisfies the educational
requirements for certain down payment and closing cost grant
and loan programs. Registration is through Chemeketa
Community College. For information call Salem Development
Corporation at 503-856-7036.
Baby Massage
Enjoy a special time with your baby learning baby massage.
This class is for expectant and new mothers, fathers,
grandparents, and adopting parents. Learn the benefits of
loving touch for baby and you, as well as tips for using
massage as your child gets older. Bring your newborn to pre-
crawler baby. For more information call Salem Hospital’s
Family Education at 503-561-5639. Third Saturday of each
month, 1 – 2:30 PM, $20 per couple, $15 per person.

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Baby Signs Parent Workshop
Learn a new way to talk with babies before they can talk.
During this workshop you’ll practice 20-30 signs you can start
using, giving you another way to communicate with your child.
Designed for expectant and new parents of children form birth
to 24 months, grandparents and anyone working with young
children. Newborns way attend class with parents. Bring check
or cash for $35 kit that includes book and 2 DVD’s to purchase
directly form instructor. 3
Saturday of each month, 3-5:30
PM. Fee: $15/person, $20/couple.
Ball Bouncing Mamas
Join other expectant and new mothers in an exercise class
tailored to pregnant and post-partum women. You’ll learn how
to improve abdominal core stability and strengthen pelvic floor
muscles. These exercises will reduce strain on your back and
spine during and after pregnancy. Therapeutic exercise balls
will be used for most of the exercises. Wear comfortable
clothes. Babies not yet crawling may attend. Tuesdays, six
week series, Thursday, April 6 to May 11, noon – 1 PM
For more information and registration call Salem Hospital’s
Family Education at 503-561-5639. Fee $30. Please bring
note from your doctor or midwife that it is okay to participate in
this class.
Child Safety Seat Class
Learn the in’s and out’s of selecting and installing child safety
seats for babies, toddlers, and kids who need boosters. Bring
your child’s seat to the class. Learn resources for installation
clinics and other assistance available to parents for getting the
kids seats installed correctly. Saturday, April 1, 1 – 3 PM, free.
Please call Family Education Salem Hospital at 503-561-5639
to register.
Silverton Hospital’s Family Birth Center, 1
and 3
. Thursday
from 1:30 – 4 PM, free of charge. Limited car seats available at
reduced cost. For more information call 503-588-7233or 503-
First Steps
This is a 9-week program for the recently widowed, divorced or
separated. FIRST STEPS is designed to help people cope with
the changes they are experiencing following the end of their
marriage whether through divorce, separation or the death of
their spouse. Tuesdays at 7 PM at St. Edward’s Church, 5303
River Rd. N., Keizer. For more information call Bee Gee at
503-393-2361 or Judy at 503-399-7665. $25. Scholarships
Getting Connected
Silverton Together in combination with Silverton Hospital will
t this women’s group. Each month the group learns a
creative craft and discusses topics of interest. The ladies also
have monthly get-togethers to explore various sites and
activities in the community. For more information call Doreen
at 503-873-0405. Held at 240 Phelps St., Silverton, every third
Wednesday of each month, 6:30 – 8:30 PM. Free. Childcare
available for $2 per child each evening.
Infant CPR
Learn the basics of how to help baby who is choking and how
to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies in infants.
These techniques can be used on children up to one year of
age. Learn safety tips for childproofing your home. Those who
attend will receive a participation card. 2
and 4
6:30 - 8 PM or 3
. Monday, 4 – 5:30 PM. For more information
call Salem Hospital at 503-561-5639. $20 per couple or $10
per person.
Infant/Child CPR/First Aid
For more information or registration call 503-585-5414. Cost
$40 or $30 for Infant/Child CPR only. Spanish classes
available at Tukwila Center for Health and Medicine,
Marion County Breast & Cervical Cancer Screening
For upcoming events please call YWCA, Andi Kohlmeyer at
503-581-9922 x128 or e-mail to
Red Cross CPR/Standard First Aid
For times and location call 503-585-5414, cost $35 per person
or $25 for Adult CPR only. Spanish classes at Tukwila Center
for Health and Medicine, Woodburn.
Red Cross First Aid Basics
For Information and times call 503-585-5414. $25 per person
or $10 if taken within one month after any Red Cross CPR
Is a tenant education program designed to assist individuals
and families who cannot access or retain housing because of
poor rental histories or poor credit. The five-session curriculum
is designed to teach participants the skills necessary to be
good tenants, including goal setting, tenant/landlord rights and
responsibilities, money management, cleaning and home
maintenance, and moving in/moving out of rental housing. To
be eligible to participate, individuals must be homeless or at
risk of becoming homeless. For additional information contact
Amber Reeves at the Mid-Willamette Valley Community Action
Agency at 503-585-6232.
Services and Support for Families
ADHD Parent/Mentor Support Group
Whether you are the parent, grandparent, guardian, teacher,
or special mentor of a child with ADHD (or similar learning
disability) you will find the mutually supportive exchange of
experiences, struggles, and learned wisdom beneficial. Focus
is on emotional support, educational and behavioral topics,
legal issues, medication trends,
community and social resources.
Tuckwila Center, Woodburn. 3
Monday monthly, 7 – 9 PM. For
more information call Katie Morley at 503-982-4699.
Child Care Information Service
The Child Care Information Service is a non-profit organization
serving Marion, Polk and Yamhill counties. CCIS provides

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parents with referrals to childcare in their area. They also have
an emergency childcare program available in the city of Salem
and Polk County. The services for childcare providers include
training, scholarships, and support. For more information call
503-585-2491 or 1-800-289-5533.
Family One Stop Center/Juntos Podemos
Monthly Parent Support Meeting, Fridays from 6:30-8:30 PM at
2475 Lancaster Dr. NE B9. For more information call Miriam at
503-566-7727 ext.11 or e-mail at
Healthy Start (Marion & Polk Counties)
Support, education, and referral available for first-time parents
during pregnancy and/or after birth. Ongoing home visits from
trained staff or one-time home visit from trained volunteers.
Services available in English, Spanish and Russian. Call 503-
362-3138 in Marion County and 503-485-2185 in Polk County.
Mom’s Club of Salem (Moms Offering Moms Support)
This club provides enriching activities for mothers and their
children. The group offers monthly meetings, guest speakers,
playgroups, holiday parties, family activities, Mom’s night out
and more! The club goes on outings to parks, children’s
museums, farms, and other places of interest! The club also
performs service projects that benefit needy children in the
area. Children are welcome at all MOMS Club activities. For
more information, please call Heather at (West) 503-589-0814,
Tracy (South) at 503-315-1933, Kim (North/Keizer) at 503-315-
1551 or Christina (Stayton) at 503-859-4088. $26 per year.
Mother’s Resource Network
A support group for mothers of children of all ages who have
been sexually abused. Periodic meetings. Call for information,
503-399-0011. Free.
New Mom’s Connections
Join other new moms for a weekly informal discussion on the
joys and challenges of being a new parent. The group will
discuss topics such as expectations and realities in mothering,
growth and development of infants, safety, and the value of
playing with baby. Babies up to 6 months old are welcome in
class. Every Thursday, 10 – 11:30 AM. Free. Please call
Family Education, Salem Hospital at 503-561-5639 to register.
New Moms Group
This informal, ongoing discussion group is designed for new
moms. Participants discuss expectations and realities of
mothering, infant growth and development, breastfeeding and
many other topics. Babies up to six months are welcome in
class. Every Tuesday, 10 AM – 12 PM. You may drop in at any
time. 342 Fairview Street, Silverton. For information call
Oregon Family Support Network
A support group for families with children through age 25 with
emotional, behavioral, mental, or related disorders. Salem
group meetings are held at the Alphabet House, 4883 Center
St. NE, 4
Thursday of each month, 6:30 – 8:30 PM. For more
information contact 503-581-2047.
Parent Support Group
Hope when parenting gets tough. A free support group for
parents to discuss the issues they face raising children.
Professionally facilitated, parents encouraging parents,
nonjudgmental. Free childcare. No registration necessary.
Group is ongoing, drop-ins are welcome. Call the YWCA of
Salem for more information 503-581-9922. English: Tuesdays
6 – 8 PM; Spanish: Thursdays 6 – 8 PM (see below). Free.
Grupo de Apoyo Para Padres
Esperanza cuando el ser padres es difícil. Grupo de apoyo
gratuito para los padres para discutir sobre asuntos
relacionados con la crianza de sus hijos. Padres apoyando
padres. No-prejucio. Jueves 6-8 PM. Cuidado de ninos gratis.
No es necesario inscribirse. Solamente venga los jueves por la
tarde de 6 – 8 PM. YWCA of Salem, 503-581-9922.
Young Parents Information and Support Group
Helps to make parenting a pleasure with parenting tips, life
skills lessons (cooking, budgeting, etc.), information on local
resources, with support from and with each other. For teen
mothers up to 21 years of age; interested partners meet
separately. Meets every Tuesday through May 16, 6:30- 8:30
PM at the Silverton United Methodist Church, 203 W. Main,
Silverton. May join anytime. No cost, free childcare available.
For more information call Silverton Together at 503-873-0405.
Youth and Children
Candlelighters for Children
A self-help support group for parents whose children have or
have had cancer. This self-help program strives to help
families of cancer patients meet and deal with the emotional
stresses of their experience and to provide a positive outlet for
the frustrations and apprehensions they share. Monthly
meeting. Call Lisa Bendel, 503-364-9766. Free.
Family Building Blocks (Relief Nursery for Children 0 - 5
This program offers therapeutic classes for young children,
parent training, home visits, and a variety of family support
programs and services. Participation is voluntary and
enrollment is based on need and availability. If interested call
H.O.M.E. Youth and Resource Center (for Youth, Ages 11 -
A drop-in center for teens which maintains a neutral zone, a
safe haven, for all of Marion County’s youth including those
who are homeless and at-risk. Services are voluntary, free,
and strictly confidential. Staff and volunteers are available to
help sort out problems, provide referrals, and listen. Youth can
take advantage of any activities available at the center i.e. the
game room, basketball hoop, movies, and computers. Also
offered: day shelter, nutritious meals, basic support, showers,
laundry, clothing, life skills, HIV testing, education, GED
preparation, and job assistance. For Information call
HOST Youth and Family Program
Operating 24 hours a day, the HOST Youth and Family
Program is a program of Northwest Human Services offering
crisis intervention through safe sheltering, counseling, and
case management for at-risk youth and their families. HOST
also offers parenting classes and Support Groups. 1143

Page 6
Liberty St., NE, Salem OR 97301. For more information call
Mother Oak’s Child—Grief Support Groups for Children
and Families
Trained bereavement counselors provide a comfortable place
to learn and gain understanding about grief and loss. Support
groups offer children ages 5 to 18 years and their families a
place to heal. Activities are geared to allow families to meet,
talk and seek support with other grieving families. For more
information please contact Bereavement Services at
Willamette Hospice, 503-588-3600.
Respite and Recreation Program
An evening recreational program for children with disabilities
and special needs and their siblings. Parents get respite from
care giving and time to rest, thus benefiting the entire family.
Children ages 8 months to 18 years may attend. Easter Seals
Children’s Guild, 290 Moyer Lane, PO Box 5193, West Salem.
For more information and cost call 503-370-8990. Sept.--
June, every 2
Friday of each month, 6:30 – 10:30 PM, $12
per child, $8 for 2
& 3
child, $4 for each additional child,
Scholarships available.
Teen Drop-In Support Group
This group is open to all teens in the Polk County area. Group
topics include many issues affecting teens today, such as:
healthy relationships, self-esteem, harassment, and
discrimination. The group meets weekly during the school year
at Dallas High School. For more information call SABLE House
at 503-623-6703.
Youth Activity Center
Located inside the YMCA Facility, the Youth Activity Center is
a place for kids age 6 – 12 to call their own while parents and
older siblings are off doing their own Y-thing. The YAC is
supervised at all times by caring adult mentors. Fun and
interesting activities such as arts and crafts, board games,
table games will be available. Free for YMCA members.
Youth Empowerment Alliance (YEA): A continuum of pre-
employment educational and supportive services for out-of-
school, homeless and at-risk youth, ages 16 – 21 years.
625 Union NE, Salem, Oregon 97301. For more information on
services provided, call 503-391-6428. Free.
Adult and Family Support
Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group
This group is designed to aid and support people who care for
a person who suffers from Alzheimer’s. Presenters inform the
group about new medical advances as well as ideas on how
the caregiver can care for themselves while continuing to be
loving and gentle caregivers. Tuckwila Center, 693 Glatt
Circle, Woodburn. For more information call 503-982-4571.
Rides available every third Monday of each month at 2 PM.
Alzheimer’s Support Group
This group has several different meeting places, meets on
different days and different times. To get more information for
Salem Area, please call Lin Larsen at 503-371-7728.
Tuckwila Center, Woodburn, 3
. Monday monthly, for
information call Cathy Heisen at 503-982-4574.
Breast Cancer Support Group
This group, for women who have been diagnosed with breast
cancer or have had breast surgery is facilitated by women who
have been through it them selves. There will be information
and learning, fun and support for everyone, plus usually one
speaker per month on topics of interest to the group. A lending
library of books and tapes is also available. Meetings are every
second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 5:30 PM – 7
PM at the YWCA, 768 State St. For more information call Andi
Kohlmeyer at 503-581-9922 ext. 128. Free.
Bi-Lingual Support Group
This is a support group for Spanish-speaking women of Polk
County. The group meets on the 1
. and 3
. Monday of each
month. For more information please call SABLE House at 503-
Breast Cancer Support Group – Silverton
Family friends and support groups welcome. Educational
topics are presented and it is also a time for sharing and
supporting each other. For information call Kate Robertson at
503-873-1791. Every third Monday of each month at 7-9 PM.
Compassionate Friends
A self-help support group for families who have experienced
the death of a child. Compassionate Friends serves Salem and
the surrounding area with regular monthly meetings held at
The Salvation Army Activity Center at 1230 Winter St. NE at 7
PM. For information call 503-743-3930 or e-mail us at
S.A.F.E – Survivors and Friends exchange meets every 3
Monday of each month at 231 Commercial NE. For more
information and times call Janie at 503-391-1748.
A bimonthly newsletter is available at no cost to bereaved
Dallas Resource Center
The Dallas Resource Center, 326 Main St., Dallas, provides a
single point of contact for anyone wanting Polk County
resource information. The DRC is often asked for information
about social service programs, support groups, educational
and volunteer opportunities. One of the main goals of the DRC
is to connect individuals and families to resources that best fit
their needs. For more information call 503-623-8429. We also
have an office in Independence with bilingual staff, Main Street
Center, Phone 503-838-0531.
Drop-In Support Group
These groups are for women who are survivors of domestic
violence or sexual assault. Group topics will focus on safety
planning, identifying red flags, power and control issues,
dynamics of a healthy/unhealthy relationship and many more
topics. Drop-In groups are ongoing and meet weekly. For
safety reasons, doors will be locked 5 minutes after group
starts. Daytime: 12:30-1:30 (no childcare). Evening: 5:30-7
(childcare available, call by 3 PM to reserve). For more
information call SABLE House at 503-623-6703.
Foster Parent Program
If you have ever considered opening up your home to provide
a safe and nurturing environment for children who are currently
in Foster care in Marion County or simply have questions on
how to get started, please call Anita Gonzales, Recruiter at
503-378-6800 x2272.

Page 7
Grand Ronde Drop-In Support Group
This group is for women in the Grand Ronde area. The group
will be focusing on women’s issues such as healthy
relationship, self-esteem, assertiveness and many other
themes. For more information call SABLE House at 503-623-
Hispanas Unidas
A group for Spanish speaking women and families. Fun and
educational activities and presentations. Meets the first
Thursday of month from 6 – 8 PM at United Methodist Church,
203 W. Main St., free to join. For more information call Susana
or Fernando at 503-873-7114.
Immunizations (18 & under)
To schedule an immunization appointment, call the Health
Department at 503-588-5342. Please bring your child’s
immunization record to your appointment.
Lifespan Respite Care Network in Marion & Polk County
Provides temporary, short-term care for children, adults, and
seniors with special needs, health care concerns, chronic
illness, emotional and behavioral disorders, and those at risk
of abuse and/or neglect; gives relief to families and caregivers;
strengthens the ability of families and caregivers to continue
providing care in the home. For more information call
Lifespan Warmline
The Lifespan Warmline is an information and referral line. We
receive calls from families, individuals, social workers, and
community members so they may get help finding resources in
the community, have an advocate, get connected, or receive a
listening ear. Please call Northwest Human Services at 503-
Memorial Service
In remembrance of all miscarried and stillborn babies. This ser
vice is open for anyone who has been affected by the loss of a
baby. For further information, please call 503-769-9276.
Friday, April 7
., 11 AM at Loan Oak Cemetery in Stayton.
Sponsored by Santiam Memorial Hospital.
Polk County Commission for Children and Families
Committed to strengthening our kids and families and provides
support to a wide variety of programs. PCCCF has information
on many issues currently affecting our communities. For more
information call 503-623-9664. For information on parenting
classes see
Polk County MDT and Family Violence Task Force
This group is looking at the issue of family violence in Polk
County and is committed to reduce violence in the community.
The group meets monthly to discuss current, local situations
and improve on standards and practices surrounding the issue
of domestic violence. For information on meeting times and
places call 503-623-9268.
Polk County Service Integration Teams
Six Service Integration Teams (SIT) meet regularly in each
school district. These are community and school-based teams
responding to local needs and goals. Differing slightly, teams
generally include school counselors and administrators,
representatives from Polk County, including Mental Health,
Youth Services, Alcohol and Drug Prevention, Public Health,
and the Juvenile Department. Other member of the teams
represent Department of Human Services (DHS), Child
Welfare Services (CWS), Self Sufficiency Programs (SSP) City
or County Law Enforcement, Mid Willamette Valley Community
Action Agency, SABLE House, Willamette ESD, and in Grand
Ronde, several Tribe members. Teams also have community
and local city representatives. Teams provide coordinated
community resources, age appropriate prevention programs
and school/community activities to fill unmet (and/or under-
met) needs. Teams collaborate at the local level and form
partnerships that support preventative services. Teams are co-
facilitated by the Service Integration Coordinator: Debbie
McMillian, 503-623-9664 x2115,
Postpartum Depression Support Group
Second Friday of each month. Call to join: 503-362-9659. Free
Resource Assistance Program
Case management services such as problem solving,
advocacy, interpreting, and referrals are provided. Assistance
in locating permanent housing is a priority. Availability of
services is based on client’s financial need and geographic
location. For more information call YWCA of Salem at 503-
Recovery, Inc.
This is a mental health organization whose mission is to make
available a self-help method to reduce suffering and improve
mental health through weekly group meetings. We meet every
Tuesday at 5:30 PM, Conference Room, Jason Lee Manor,
1625 Center St. NE. For more information call Lois at 503-999-
7525. Free, however a free-will offering is taken at the
Silverton Together
To receive a Silverton Calendar of Events, call 503-873-0405.
Willamette Valley Hospice
The support groups we sponsor help people feel less isolated
in their experience of grief. Group facilitators provide
information that allows participants to see that what they are
going through is “normal”. This mutual support promotes
healing in everyone. For more information call Willamette
Valley Hospice at 503-588-3600 or e-mail to or, visit on the website
6 weeks sessions, Tuesday evenings, 6-7:30 PM: March 7
through April 18 or April 25 through May 30.
Women’s Support Group
For survivors of domestic violence all services are free.
Mondays, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM, childcare provided;
Wednesday, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM, no childcare;
Adult Rape and Sexual Assault Group, Tuesday, 6:30 PM –
8:30 PM, Women’s Crisis Center, 795 Winter St. NE, Contact
Delia Martinez at 503-399-7722. Free.
Women’s Support Group
Para sobrevivientes da la violencia domestica y abuso sexual.
Todos servicios son Gratis. Lunes, 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM,
Cuidamos Los Niños. Reúnen en: 795 (calle) Winter St NE,
Teléfono 503-399-7722.
Woodburn: Mujeres Unidas, 1036 E. Lincoln, Teléfono 503-
378-1572, Marty Flores, Wed. 6:30 – 8:30 PM.

Page 8
Activities for Families
A.C. Gilbert’s Discovery Village
In addition to the outdoor displays, A.C. Gilbert’s Discovery
Village offers some of the finest children’s exhibits in the
Pacific Northwest. The museum is located at 116 Marion St
NE, on the banks of the Willamette River, adjacent to Salem’s
Riverfront Park.
Spring break workshops: 11 AM – 12 PM
Monday: For the Birds; Tuesday: Beginning Kite Making;
Wednesday: Bugs Galore!; Friday: What’s my Line?;
Thursday: 10 AM – 12 PM, Breads Around the World.
Spring village courses: 8 week sessions
Floral Painting in Pastels beginning April 5
Animal Shenanigans beginning April 6
Cool Village Kids Science beginning April 6
Pain a Rainbow beginning April 14
Clay Play and Ceramic Sculpture II beginning April 7
Build it beginning April 8
Science workshops:
Sparks & Bonds & Morse, Oh My! Friday, April 7 or Sat. April
8, 1 – 3 PM; To the Drawing Board and Beyond! Saturday,
May 20, 10 – 12 or 1 – 3; Grass Roots Botany! Friday, June
2 or Saturday, June 3, 1 – 3 PM.
Intergenerational workshop: Traditional Rug Hooking,
Saturday, May 6, 1 – 4 PM.
Preschool Family Workshops: Busy Builder, Saturday, April
8 2 -3 PM; Oh, What Messy Science!, Saturday, May 13, 2 –
3 PM.
Admission is $5 per person, children two and under are free,
and seniors (60 and older) are $3.50. Village members are
free and a $2 reduced rate is available to resident on public
assistance. For more information on events, registration and
cost for workshops call 503-371-3631 or visit
Camp Mighty Oaks
Camp Mighty Oaks is a summer camp for grieving kids and
families. It is held from Saturday, July 15, 11 AM to Sunday,
July16, 6 PM at Aldersgate Conference Center, 7790 Marion
Road SE, Turner. Cost: $100/child or $125/adult (scholarships
are available). For more information call Jeff Craig at
Willamette Valley Hospice, 503-588-3600.
Creative Discoveries Preschool
We offer three educational opportunities for parents to choose
from for children 18 months to 5 years of age.
Munchkin Time is a one-on-one educational opportunity for
parents and their children age 18-24 months. This 1-hour class
features activity centers, exploratory time and circle time. It
meets on Mondays from 10 – 11 AM.
Toddler Time is a class offered to children of age 18-36
months to participate in with a parent or caregiver. Activities
include art, music, circle time and games; we meet Tuesdays
or Wednesdays, 9-11 AM.
Discovery Time is a class for 3 years olds; we meet Tuesdays
& Thursdays 9-11:30 AM.
Pre-K Explorers is a class for 4-5 years old, meeting Mondays,
Wednesdays & Fridays, 9-11:30 AM. To register of for more
information call 503-362-3938 or visit our website at
Dallas Indoor Park
Dallas Indoor Park is a non-profit cooperative organization
where parents participate with their child. Each member
shares in the active running of the Indoor Park with the help of
other members and coordinators. This is a large play facility
with a wide range of toys where children ages birth through
kindergarten can practice their small and large motor skills and
interact with other children as well as parents. Parents
supervised crafts especially designed for the age group are
offered each month. The park is open M, W, F, 9:30 - 11:30
AM, Sept – June. Located in the basement on the Mennonite
Brethren Church, 976 SW Hayter Street, Dallas. For
information call Leanna Deeters at 503-831-3303. $15 per
family/per semester (varied fee). Scholarships available based
on need.
Dallas Public Library
Infant/Toddler Storytime (birth to 3 yrs.): Tuesdays 10:30 AM,
20 min. of stories, rhymes, songs etc. Preschool Storytime (3 –
5 yrs.): Thursday 10:30 AM, 30 min. of stories, songs,
fingerplays, etc.
Keizer Indoor Park
Indoor play facility for parents and children ages birth – 5.
Parent interactive. Open from Sept -- May, Mon.-Friday. 9 AM
– 12 PM, 6945 Wheatland Rd, Keizer. For more information
call Nanette at 503-390-0733. $12 for term or $32/year.
Kids and Music
Kindermusik classes at Kids & Music for infants, toddlers,
preschoolers and K-2 students. Interactive developmental
music and play-program features whole-child development,
socialization and parent education through musical activities.
Based on the philosophy that the parent is the child’s most
important teacher and home is the most important
environment, highly qualified educators lead families through
multiples activities that encourages bonding, increase
attentions span and fosters a life-long love of music.
For more information call 503-508-3505.
Monmouth/Independence Family YMCA
The Monmouth/Independence YMCA provides a number of
programs for children and families. Childcare: For children 6
weeks through 5
grade. Youth Sports: Gymnastics and Y-
Rookies. Teen programs: Nite Court. Summer programs:
Aquatics and Enrichment Day Camps. For more information
call 503-838-4042.
Mothers of Preschoolers: MOPS
MOPS is an international non-denominational program
designed specifically for “Mothers of Preschoolers.” MOPS
gives mothers of children age birth through kindergarten the
chance to meet with other moms in the same season of life. It

Page 9
is a place where moms have the opportunity to make new
friends, share experiences, laugh together and learn biblical
principles pertaining to womanhood, marriage and parenting.
We enjoy breakfast together, listen to a great speaker and
make fun craft while our kids have a blast participating in their
own age-appropriate program. Every 2
& 4
. Tuesday from
September to May, from 8:45 – 11 AM. Evangelical Bible
Church, 1175 SE Howe Street, Dallas. (On the corner of Miller
and Howe – near the High School). For more information call
Evangelical Bible Church at 503-623-2331 or e-mail: Web:
Preschool Programs
Elementary Education Preschools for Salem-Keizer School
District offer children a variety of exciting learning activities in
language, art, music, science, and more. It is an opportunity to
make new friends, practice socialization skills, have great fun,
and develop confident, positive attitudes toward school and
learning. For more information and registration please call
Salem Public Library: Story Time
In Children’s Activity Room. Infant/Toddler (0-30 months):
Wednesdays, 10:15 or 11 AM, Fridays 10:30 AM; Preschool (2
1/2–6 yrs.): Tuesdays and Saturdays, 10:30–11 AM;
Family Bedtime: Tuesdays, 7–7:30 PM
Spanish Family Bedtime: Wednesdays, 6:30 PM
For more information on all the activities call 503-588-6088.
Lots of special summer programs for school-age kids. Free.
Salem Public Library: Discovery Room
Discovery Room hours: Tues-Sat: 10 AM –12 Noon, 3–5 PM,
Thurs and Fri mornings reserved for class visits. Tues, Wed &
Thurs evenings: 6:30 – 8:30 PM, Sunday 2-4 PM.
Salem Family YMCA Aquatics Program
A variety of youth and family programs are available in both a
shallow warm water pool and the Main pool. Open and Family
Swims are available to the public for a nominal fee. Parent Tot,
Preschool, and School Age swimming lessons emphasizing
water safety and stroke instruction are taught throughout the
day. Please call 503-399-2792 for class, swimming times and
Santiam Family YMCA
The Santiam YMCA provides youth and family programs in the
Stayton area. Youth sports for children of various ages. Teen
programs provided with Middle School youth in mind. Family
activities for the whole family. For more information call
A non-profit cooperative organization providing interactive play
activities for families with children from birth - 5 years, to work
on large motor skills and socialization. Salem Boys and Girls
Club Gymnasium, 1395 Summer St. NE, Salem. To sign up for
the current term or to be added to the waiting list, call
Lynnanne 503-463-0577 or 503-508-3392. $45 per year or
Silverton Indoor Park
A place for children age 0-4 to run and play even on rainy days
and a place for parents to meet and share. Open Monday
through Thursday from 9:30 - 11:30 AM throughout the school
year. Cost: $35 per 5-month sessions (Sept.-Jan. or Jan.-May)
plus co-op duties. Save $5 by signing up Sept. 7 or 8, 9:30-
11:30. Scholarships available. Location: Silverton United
Methodist Church. For more information call Laurie at 503-
873-8176. First visit is free.
South Salem Tot Indoor Park
We are a Co-Op for families. We are located at 1140 Baxter
Rd., in the South Salem Friends Church Gym, Monday-Fridays
9:30 – 11:30 AM, from Sept.-Jan. and Feb.-May. Cost: $30 per
term. For more information call Kate Bailey at 503-409-6646 or
come by and check us out.
Story Time at the Salem Book Bin
Local children’s story teller Linda Bellock is scheduled to
present a reading of children’s books with puppets and props
on the following Saturdays at 450 Court St. For more
information call 503-361-1235 or go to webpage under the Salem tab on the left side of the
Woodburn Public Library
Infant/Toddler Storytime, Tuesdays, 10:30-11 AM for infants
and toddlers to 30 months.
Library Storytime, Wednesdays, 10:30–11 AM, stories, finger
plays and crafts for families.
Cuentos en espanol: Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30 PM
Kids Book Club, Mondays, 3:30-4:30 PM, read and discuss
chapter books for ages 10-12; book related snacks & crafts.
Third Thursday Teens, 6:30-7:30 PM, the 3
. Thursday of
each month a different activity for teens.
Saturdays at the Library, 1:30-2:30 PM, every Saturday a
different activity of special performer for the whole family.
YMCA Adventure Guides
Formally known as Y-Indian Guides, this unique 8-week
program is designed to foster understanding and
companionship in families by building relationships through
group service projects, goal setting and interactive games. The
focus of the program is on enhancing the parent’s role as a
guide in their child’s life. Special events are also scheduled
such as potlucks and winter stargazing. As with any YMCA
program, YMCA character values of caring, honesty, respect &
responsibility are a major component of instruction. For kids
age 5 – 9 and their parents. For more information call
503-581-9622. $50 YMCA Members / $70 public.
YMCA Family Fun Nights
Meet new friends while strengthening family relationships with
this once per month program. Families with kids of any age
are encouraged to attend and participate in a variety of fun
activities including arts and crafts, family fitness classes, fun in
the pool, gym games, social mixers, themed pot-lucks, board
games and much more. Activities will take place in the YMCA
facility as well as the YWCA Teen Center. The possibilities for
family fun are almost endless! For more information call 503-
581-9622. $5 YMCA members/ $10 public
First Friday of each month.
. Annual fun Run & Health Walk
Kick off your summer in a healthy way! Take part in the
Santiam Memorial Hospital 17
. Annual Fun Run & Health
Walk! Events include 3K and 5K run or health walk.
Saturday, June 3
. at 9 AM, registration begins 8 AM at
Santiam Memorial Hospital, 1401 N 10
. Ave., Stayton, for
more information call 503-769-2175.
Cost: $12 includes registration, t-shirt and goodie bag or $5
registration only.

Page 10
Special Recreation Activities
Silver Spinners Wheelchair (square & round dancing) Janet
Lowther, 503-393-4256
Special Olympics
For the physically challenged offers riding lessons for people
with special needs. Volunteers are also needed for this special
program. Horse club sessions— offered for four weeks, every
Friday morning—include riding lessons, horse care, trail rides,
games + fun. For more information call Kerril Knaus-Hardy,
503-873-3890. $60 per session.
Coastal Valley, Sue Hill or Lisa Williams, Phone 503-362-8408
Technology Access for Life Needs (TALN), Oregon
Paralyzed Veteran’s of America (OPVA) (also available for
Buddy McNaught, V/TTY: 503-399-4950
Challenge Games, Equestrian Referral, Jr. Wheelchair Sports,
Resource Directory & Calendar, Swim Meets,
Wheelchair Tennis
Phone: 1-800-869-8180, Fax: 503-224-2216
William Hoar, 503-391-4246
New website:
YMCA Swim Program
For information on Adaptive Aquatics options available at the
Salem Family YMCA please call Myron McCoy at
Oregon Disability Sports
Suite 300, 721 NW 9
. Ave, Portland, OR 97209, Phone
ywca programs
Resource Assistance
Assisting families in overcoming barriers to self-sufficiency
Case management services such as problem solving,
advocacy, interpreting, and referrals are provided.
YWCA ENCOREplus Program
A women’s health program focused on breast & cervical
cancer awareness, education, and community outreach.
Partners with the Marion County Breast & Cervical Cancer
Screening Program to provide a no cost mammogram to
eligible women.
Breast Cancer Support Group
Meets at the YWCA the 2nd and 4th Wed. of every month
5:30-7 PM. Free wigs, prosthetics, hats, scarves, reference
guides, and library books.
Youth & Teen Programs
Da Vinci Girls is an informal after school educational
program for 3rd to 5th grade girls. The goal is to stimulate
girls’ interest in science, math and technology.
Salem Outreach Shelter
A transitional housing program for homeless families in
Marion and Polk Counties. Ten families reside at the shelter
at one time for an average of three months. During this time
families must strive for a successful future with permanent
housing, stable income, and resources to obtain stability.
YWCA Residence Facilities
The YWCA provides safe, economical residences for
single women. The residences allow for a supportive,
nurturing, communal atmosphere that helps to strengthen
and empower the women who live there, be it for a short
stay or the long-term.
Family Programs
Cope is a seminar for parents who are divorcing or
separated. We also have an eight week workshop for the
children of divorce called Rollercoasters. Our parent
support group is offered in English and Spanish and
provides encouragement and support among parents.
Teen Parent Program Childcare Center
Assists pregnant and parenting students in earning credits
toward their high school diploma. Provides childcare from
ages 6 weeks to 6 years, at the Chemeketa Community
College site.